Do you teach preposition words like above, around, beneath, etc. to your students?
There is SO much to cover in English / language arts, so sometimes we forget concepts like these!
But they’re still important! So in this post, I’ve got some low-prep and no-prep activities to help you squeeze in this important instruction! 🙂

Activity #1: Hands-On Practice
This hands-on activity from my First Grade Grammar Alive program introduces students to prepositions.
Each student needs a counting bear (or other small toy) and a paper cup. Once each student has their bear and cup, give them directions to follow with their bears.
Tell your students to put their bears on top of the cup, inside the cup, beneath the cup, etc.
Continue with other phrases you want to focus on, like: under, next to, beside, above, below, around.
After a few rounds of giving directions yourself, let your students take over and practice giving the class directions with prepositions.
Activity #2: Find the Missing Object Modeled Writing
I really like modeled writing because I get to show my students how to do something new, instead of just telling them!
Once my students know about prepositions, this activity is a perfect way to show them how to use prepositions in their writing.
You’ll need a stuffed animal or other object to hide and a list of prepositions that tell when and where. My Second Grade Grammar Alive program has a great list to use, or you can use your own list for the activity.
After reviewing the list of prepositions, have one student step out of the classroom. The rest of the class should decide where to hide the stuffed animal.
Model how to use prepositions in a sentence to describe the general location of the hidden object without giving it away. (Example: The teddy bear is across from our coat hooks.) Write two clues using prepositions from the list.
Now, have the student waiting in the hall return and use the clues to find the hidden object.
Activity #3: Preposition Class Book
My kids love making class books – what about yours?
You can create a class book to practice prepositions!
Students choose one object in the classroom and draw it with at least one other item near it to show its position.
After drawing, the students can write a sentence using the following format: The _____ is _____ the _____.
For example, “The ball is in the basket.”
or “The pencil is next to the paper.”
Collect everyone’s finished work and make it into a book. Read the book aloud to the class, and then put it in the classroom library!
This book cover and templates for student pages are included in my First Grade Grammar Alive program.

Activity #4: Finding Prepositions “In the Wild” in Mentor Texts
I’m a big fan of having kids connect grammar concepts to real books!
It anchors their learning in the authentic texts they’re already reading each day.
During your regular reading lessons, keep an eye out for prepositions in the books you’re reading to and with students. When you come across a great example, rewrite the sentence on the board.
Then, take out the preposition and ask students, “What is this sentence like without the word/phrase ________?
“Why do you think the author included the word/phrase _____?”
Activity #5: Expand a Sentence Game
The Expand a Sentence game is a perfect small group activity for students to practice using prepositions – AND adjectives and adverbs, if you’ve already taught those concepts!
To play, students read sentences (which are written on small cards), and then expand those sentences by adding adjectives, adverbs or prepositions.
All the materials to make this game are included in my Second Grade Grammar Alive program.

Need more materials for teaching grammar?
I hope these activities help make teaching prepositions fun and stress-free!
For complete grammar lesson plans and many more grammar activities (including the ones featured in this blog post), check out my Grammar Alive! bundles for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
Happy teaching!
Hi. I’m 77 yrs young and homeschooling myself in areas of education I didn’t understand as a kid, such as prepositions. I love this curriculum because it makes the lesson visual and related to real life. These strategies make it easy to learn. Thanks!
That is so amazing Greta!❤️ I am so glad the strategies are helpful and you are able to relate the lessons in real life. Please let me know if you have any questions!
I love this resources. You are awesome. I can’t wait to be like you in this career l have chosen. You have done a great job. Thank you so much. I believe my students will be very excited about this lesson.
So glad to help in any way!
Do you have lesson on just conjuction and preposition?
I teach conjunctions separately in my Grammar Alive program for both 1st and 2nd grade. Click here for that. I also have Boom Cards for Conjunctions!