This Week in Intervention: Teaching In The Hallway


Happy Saturday!  It has felt like a really long week, even though we had Monday off on account of the giant blizzard that hit Illinois.  This week I really got rolling with my Kindergarten interventions (in this post, I shared that I’ll be working with only Kindergarten students for the rest of the school year).

I work in a fairly large school, and the reading room is pretty far from the Kindergarten classrooms.  My time with the kids is limited (we had quite a few kids qualify for interventions and I only work in the afternoons), so I just decided to ditch the idea of bringing the kids back to the reading room.  Fortunately there is a nice-sized table in the hallway by the Kindergarten room.  So every day before the PM Kinders come in, I set up shop!

It’s not an ideal situation, but I just can’t justify bringing the kids all the way to my room just for the sake of my own convenience.  I’m seeing 10 kiddos in a little over 2 hours, so I have to make use of every minute!

When I realized that I was going to be working out of my room, I started thinking that I would need some way of displaying alphabet charts, anchor charts, and “I Can” statements for my kids.  I was thinking about making one of those cute little mini anchor chart stands I’ve seen on Pinterest (like this one).  Then I got real – with my lack of craftiness, it would probably fall apart after a week.  So I decided to invest in this:

I am actually really glad I bought this one, because it’s super convenient.  It has clear pockets for displaying 20 different sheets, and it stands up really well.  If you’d like to purchase one for your guided reading table or centers, click on the image below (they aren’t expensive at all!).  They may not be as cute and crafty as the PVC pipe chart stands, but I am really happy with mine.

That’s all for now!  Have a great weekend!


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9 years ago

Hi! I like your blog. I don’t see a link to tell me where you got your mini table stand. Can you tell me where you got it ?

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