
This Week in Intervention: Cute File Folders and A Favorite Book


Happy Saturday!!  So this past week was a short week with my intervention kiddos.  We had Monday off (yay!) and Tuesday was a teacher work day (aka “Day In Which I Filed a Lot of Junk”).  Then we had a snow day on Thursday!  It made for a rather choppy week, but also an easy one.

But back to the teacher workday.  I’ve worked in a handful of districts but it’s been 5+ years since I’ve been in a district that has real teacher work days…I’d forgotten how amazing they are!!  Our admin doesn’t interfere with our time at all…we just get stuff done.  And in my case, that “getting stuff done” was doing the filing that I’ve been putting off for about 3 months. 🙂

Okay, so speaking of filing, I’m going to go off on a tangent here!  I am in the process of redoing my home office and went to Target the other week to get hanging file folders.  When I got there, all they had were those yucky, dark green, barfalicious file folders.  The ones that look like they belong in the filing cabinet of an Army sergeant.  You know what I’m talking about, right?  These.

Am I the only one who can’t stand that all the file folders in the world seem to be this color?!  I tolerate these at work (actually I think I have some in the primary colors this year), but I wanted something prettier for my home office.  So I went online and found these!

Jewel tone hanging file folders from Smead!!  (You already saw that I scored these if you follow me on Instagram).  Anyway, to make a long story short, I am delighted that my desk drawers no longer make me look like I am the Sergeant of Filing in the Army.

Okay.  Sorry for that tangent…back to my main topic here – intervention!  This Friday, I had an especially great time with my intervention kids.  I always love Fridays with my kids because instead of having to squeeze in the many components of our super busy intervention program, we just sit together and I read them a story.  It is such a lovely experience!  I know that many of them aren’t able to have this type of story reading experience at home, so it’s especially important that they get to sit one-on-one (or one-on-two, for some of my groups) with an adult and enjoy a story.  

However…I end up reading whatever story I choose about 7 times in a period of 2 hours!  So I have to make sure I really like the story to avoid going completely insane.  This Friday, I brought the story Kitten’s First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes. 

Max the cat also endorses this book.

I teach bilingual students, so I had ordered a copy of the book in Spanish.  I love this story so much that I just had to own it!  

The story is about a sweet little kitten who sees a full moon for the very first time.  Unfortunately for Kitten, she mistakes it for a bowl of milk.  She ends up chasing it through a field, falling into a pond, and experiencing other mishaps in pursuit of this “bowl of milk.”  The ending to this story is sweet and heartwarming, and it makes me smile every time (even after reading it 7 times in one day).  The kids love it, too!

The book is great for PreK through 1st grade.  You can use it when teaching about reflections, the moon, or making inferences.  I can even see it being used as a mentor text for writing – it shows how the author stretches out the problem in the story, because Kitten doesn’t solve her problem right away.

You can check out the book here (it’s available in English  or Spanish):


I feel like my post today was a little all over the place, but hey, it’s the weekend, right?  Hope you have a great one!!


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I’m Alison, a literacy specialist. I love getting kids excited about reading and writing – and sharing teaching ideas with other teachers!

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