
Exciting News!!


Hey friends!!  I have some exciting news to share with you!  I’ve had a few projects in the works lately and can finally share what I’ve been up to.  Here’s what I’ve been working on lately:

1.  I have a new main website!  You can find it at  I will still have my good ol’ blog right here, but my new main page will make it easier for you to see what’s new, as well as navigate my products and freebies.  I am super excited about this website because I designed it myself!  Now, I am no web design expert, but I’m happy with how it came out.  Check it out here:

2.  In a couple of weeks, I will be debuting a new line of products called “My Teaching Life” – journals and notebooks just for teachers!  The first notebook I will have available is a memory and reflection journal for teachers.  Here is a digital image that shows the cover:

Here’s how the journal came about:
About a month ago, I started thinking about all the little moments that happen in our everyday lives as teachers.  You know, the funny moments, like when you have to ask your students to please quit petting your socks, or the joyful moments, like when your struggling student finally masters that tricky concept in math.  I don’t know about you, but with all the things that happen in just one day of school, I tend to wind up forgetting some of the most amazing things that happen.

So, one of my resolutions or promises to myself this year is to write down meaningful memories from my teaching life and personal life.  I’m going to be using the “My Teaching Life” journal to record both the joyful moments and the challenges that I face as a teacher.  I can’t wait to be able to look back on the year and see how I’ve grown as a teacher, as well as be reminded of all the special things that have happened with my students.  I am also hoping that writing for just a few minutes a day will help me be more reflective about my teaching. 

If you want to do the same, you can order the “My Teaching Life” journal to keep track of all your little moments this year!  Each page of the journal has a question at the top to prompt your thinking.  The questions are different, to encourage you to consider different aspects of your teaching.  Here are just a few sample questions:

What made you smile today?
– What have your students done recently that made you really proud?
How are you doing with your work-life balance?  Are there any changes you want to make?
– Think of one student who is having a tough time right now.  What is one thing you can do to reach out to this student?

Of course, the questions are just there as a helpful guide.  You can always skip the day’s topic and write about whatever is in your head and heart! 

When the journals are available for purchase, I will write another post with more details, so check back in a week or two!  And if you want to make sure that you don’t miss out, leave your email address below – I will also be sending out a newsletter with the announcement.

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I can’t wait to get my journal and get started on my New Year’s resolution!!  Happy New Year, and happy teaching!


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I’m Alison, a literacy specialist. I love getting kids excited about reading and writing – and sharing teaching ideas with other teachers!

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