How do you feel about back to school time? Personally, I have a lot of mixed emotions.
On one hand, I’m excited to see the kids again. On the other hand, it’s hard for me to make the “summer to school” transition. Summer is my favorite season, so I hate to see it go, and getting back in the routine can be tough. Not to mention all of the stresses of getting set up for the school year!
In the spirit of making BTS a little easier, I created an e-magazine for you. The free magazine is filled with ideas for teaching math, reading, and writing. There’s also resources for setting up your classroom, getting organized, and communicating with parents. The magazine is geared toward K-2 teachers, but some of the resources may still be helpful if you teach a different grade.
My goal is to put a set of helpful blog posts and freebies all in one place, so you can spend less time searching for ideas. The document reads like a real magazine, so grab a cup of coffee, relax, and have a read!
If you subscribe to my email list, make sure to access the version I sent you in your email (it has bonus freebies!) If you’re not on my list, avoid missing out in the future by signing up here.
Happy reading!